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Christmas Fair and Makers Market
Invitation for Stallholders
This year's event will take place on Sunday 17 November 2024, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm.
All previous stallholders, and those on our waiting list, are invited to apply for a stall. If there are any stalls remaining after this initial invitation, we will advertise to new stallholders via our Facebook page. ​
In 2023, our event was fully booked just from our initial invitation to previous stallholders. Whilst we value the loyalty of those of you who have attended annually for several years we are mindful of comments from potential new stallholders who are simply unable to get in to the event. Therefore, in a change to previous years, we are not taking bookings on a strictly first-come, first-served policy. We will consider each application on its own merits to ensure the event has a great range of products and that it stays fresh for customers. Please use the space on the application form to 'sell' your stall to us. We also invite you to email photos of your stall and products to info@gicac.org.uk to support your application.
We will advise stallholders who apply during August whether they have been successful by 6th September 2024.
Please read through the event's Terms and Conditions below, and then apply by completing the online application.
Thank you.
Terms and Conditions
​Booking procedure
Stall applications are accepted via a completed registration form.
You will be informed if your application has been successful by email, and an invoice will be issued via Xero.
Bookings are only confirmed when payment is received (BACS or cash preferred). Confirmation of your booking and receipt for payment will be sent by email.
Some applications may be unsuccessful, the event reserves the right to refuse applications without having to justify its decision.
Should the event become over-subscribed, applications will be placed on a waiting list, in case of cancellations.
Allocation of spaces at the venue is at the discretion of the organiser. Specific requests may be taken into consideration but cannot be guaranteed.
Stall arrangements
Stalls are charged at £15 (single) or £30 (double).
The venue will provide a 6ft table per single stall, and the equivalent of a 12ft table per double stall, and two chairs.
Additional floor space for display stands must be requested on the application form.
Exhibitors may begin setting up from 8:00 am and should have their stalls completed by 9:30 am, allowing final checks to be made and open to the public at 10:00 am.
Packing up of stalls is not usually permitted before 4:00 pm.
Stalls will be allocated in the Baths Hall on the ground floor, and the Main Hall and Chapel on the first floor, with clear guiding to help visitors move around the event. There is a large lift available for stallholders and visitors to access the first floor halls.
Goods for sale​
All stall displays, stands and artwork must be safe, inoffensive and portable.
The event organiser has the right to ask Exhibitors to remove any of their exhibits and to make alterations to their display if they are deemed unsuitable, create a hazard or for any other legitimate reason.
Particularly, exhibits should not impede fire exit routes, create trip hazards, or restrict access to neighbouring stalls.​
Failure by the Exhibitors to take remedial action on this last point may result in the promoters of the event asking the Exhibitor to leave and to refuse admission without refund of fees for future events.
All produce/products and personal belongings are the responsibility of the Exhibitor.
The Venue
No Sellotape, Blu Tack (or equivalent), drawing pins, or fixings of any description are permitted on the paintwork or walls of the venue as they are likely to cause damage. Exhibitors may however make use of existing hooks, shelves, etc. for their work.
Electrical installations may only be used with prior agreement and may be subject to extra charge if utilising power supply above 13amp.
All electrical equipment must be PAT certified for use. Checks may be carried out by our team on electrical equipment on arrival.
No naked flames are permitted within the venue.
If, for whatever reason, the event has to be cancelled, or your stall is no longer available, a full refund will be made to you.
Exhibitor Cancellation Policy:
Cancellations should be received in writing (by email to info@gicac.org.uk)​.
Refunds will be made according to the schedule below:
Less than two weeks before the event date - no refund is possible.
Between two - four weeks before the event date - 50% refund (less any card fees).
More than four weeks before the event date - full refund (less any card fees).
Space cannot be re-let without prior approval from the event organisers.
The venue holds Public Liability insurance to cover members of the public whilst on the premises.
Stallholders/exhibitors are strongly advised to obtain their own Public Liability cover for the event.
The organisers cannot accept any liability for losses or damage to goods whilst on the premises, before, during or after the event.
The organisers cannot accept liability for injury or accident caused by an Exhibitor's product or exhibit, loss of profits, for damage or theft of Exhibitors' stock or interruption of power or services.