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Sing Out! South Craven
A mixed-voice community choir for South Craven and surrounds
Information for New Members
Rehearsals are held on Wednesday evenings, 7.30 - 9pm. Please arrive in time to be settled and ready to start at 7.30pm.
Rehearsals run throughout the year including the summer, breaking only when Damian is away or the venue is unavailable.
Bring a pencil to make notes on your music. You might also like to bring a bottle of water.
We will usually learn songs using hard-copy sheet music. Don’t worry if you can’t read music, that’s not essential. Damian is a patient teacher – if you’re unsure please ask.
Music will be provided, either as published booklets or as printed PDFs. The PDFs will also be shared by email if you’d like to print your own.
Your first two sessions are free, to give you chance to see if it's for you. We hope you feel welcome and decide to join.
Membership fees are £12 per month, payable by standing order. Please use reference ‘Choir’ and add your surname if your bank account is in a different name. Payments go into GCAC’s general account, ring-fenced for choir spending. The Centre will subsidise any short-term deficit.
Payment account details: Glusburn Community & Arts Centre, account number 13509036, sort code 20-45-14
Damian Oxborough, Musical Director 07746 637 472 damian@finishmysong.com
Debby Richardson, Choir Manager 07834 545 679 debby@gicac.org.uk
We're on Colne Road, BD20 8FQ.
We have our own car park, accessed off Croft Head Terrace. Spaces are a little slim, so please park carefully. Sutton's Got Brass rehearsal also runs at the same time so the car park does get quite full.
After hours, we can park in the spaces facing the grass (reserved for Ashland vets). Please do not park in the two spaces facing the building right next to the vet.
Overflow parking is available in the front parking/loading area of Cirteq over the road (opposite Hartley Street and Lodge Street).
Please do not park on Croft Head Terrace or the residential side of Institute Street, these are residents only.
You can park on the main road, there are no restrictions - but please be aware that visibility pulling out of the side roads can be tricky so don't park too close to the junctions.
Please car share with a friend if you can.
We'll be using the Main Hall, which is on the first floor. Come to the front of the building (facing the main road). We have three front doors! The middle door leads directly up the stairs to the hall. If you'd like to use the lift, enter through the left-hand ground floor doors; the lift is through the lobby on your right-hand side - select '1'.